JATRA | New Nepali Full Movie 2018 Ft. Bipin Karki, Rabindra Singh Baniya, Rabindra Jha
Synopsis: Phadindra Timsina (Bipin Karki) is an innocent, poor and hardworking man. He finds a sack full of three crores Nepalese rupees, stolen from a bank. He then consults with his three friends Jayas (Rabindra Singh Baniya) and Munna (Rabindra Jha) in order to discover the source of the money.
Shatkon Arts Production Presents
Nepali Full Movie: JATRA
Writer/Director: Pradeep Bhattarai
Executive Producer: Rabindra Singh Baniya
Producers: Singe Lama, Yadav Paudel
Cast: Bipin Karki, Rabindra Singh Baniya, Rabindra Jha, Barsha Raut, Prechya Bajracharya, Prakash Ghimire, Praween Khatiwada, Kamalmani Nepal, Bhola Raj Sapkota, Nilkaji Shakya, Sajan Thapa Magar, Priyanka Jha, Suresh Karki, Safar Pokharel..
really nice movie.. its fun and fantastfa